Jun 18, 2022 at 9:00 – 10:00 AM, (Sellers Library Start)
Contact Phone: 610-734-7625
Contact Email: requests@upperdarby.org
From the Township site: “Upper Darby Township will celebrate Juneteenth offering guided walks of 3 sites on the Upper Darby Underground Railroad trail beginning at Sellers Library. A local expert will be at each “stop” on the trail to discuss the role of the site in the Underground Railroad and the fight to end slavery and answer questions.
Hoodland, Howard House and Sellers Hall are all located within walking distance of Sellers Library where attendees will meet. Attendees will be able to select between a “short” tour of about one-half mile lasting about an hour and a “long” tour of two miles lasting about two hours. Tours will run continuously between 9 and 10 am.
Tours are free and children are welcome.
The Upper Darby Underground Railroad Trail includes 7 historic stops over a course of 4.5 miles. From Garrett House to Friends Cemetery, it highlights the significant role Upper Darby played in supporting the Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania.
The Tour is sponsored by Mayor Barbarann Keffer and the Township Recreation Committee with the support of local historians.”